Environmental policy
Following the decision of the company management to minimize the negative effects of its activities on the environment and human health, the decision to implement and continuously improve the environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015 is a given for the company.
Based on this decision and evaluation of the state of the environment, the company management determines the following Environmental Policy:
- Based on regular assessment of the level of environmental pollution, determine appropriate measures for the permanent reduction of the environmental burden.
- In all activities performed in the company, take measures to reduce waste and reduce energy consumption.
- By consistent prevention, eliminate accidents and situations whose consequences could have a negative impact on the environment and the health of employees.
- In all activities related to the implementation of products provided by the company, comply with applicable environmental legislation.
- Elaborate legislative regulations concerning environmental protection into internal documentation specifying the responsibilities of individual employees and ensure that they are strictly observed.
- When selecting suppliers of materials, goods and services, assess their suitability with respect to environmental protection.
- Periodically educate and train all employees in the field of environmental protection requirements.
The company management undertakes to ensure adequate resources for the environmental management system and to create the conditions which enable the support and fulfilment of this EMS Policy and the fulfilment of valid legislative requirements in the field of environmental protection.
In Písek, on: 01/02/2018
Ing. Zdeněk Kulič
Company Executive